Malis Restaurant

 You may have noticed that it’s been raining a little lately, making excellent weather for ducks, or as we like to do it, even better weather for duck. The Malis crew in Phnom Penh has been sheltering from the downpours in the kitchens where they’ve been creating tasty ways of enjoying one of our favourite meats, always with our special Cambodian twists. 

As you know, ducks produce a meat that is more complex and robust than most of their feathered friends. This makes it a natural star in dishes such as curries, and a delicious partner rather than a low-key prop to the dynamic flavours with which it can be paired. It also works beautifully with sharper, citrus notes that cut through the richness of this meat, as you’ll see below. 

With that in mind, we think you’ll find the Kroeung Duck with Green Papaya Salad a tantalising, refreshing start to any meal. We also made a slight variation to one of Cambodia’s most iconic dishes, Preserved Lemon Soup, substituting the traditional chicken with duck to create a richer, deeper flavour that works beautifully against the zing of the lemons. 

For those who appreciate more subtle notes, we recommend the Marinated Duck Breast Fillet with Brown Rice. Marinated in a range of spices — which the chef is maddeningly keeping to himself — the richness of the meat is emphasised and allowed to take a more prominent role. Similarly, one of France’s most beloved and celebrated dishes from the southwestern regions, Confit of Duck, is elevated to another divine state when served alongside our tasty Glass Noodle Stir-fry.